Thanks to our Organisers

Getting the Shoreham Summer Festival off the ground has taken months of organising and adapting to finally get us to the point where we can celebrate our amazing town and the different communities within it. This is the first Summer festival for Shoreham-by-Sea and we hope it to be the first of many. It has taken many hand and many emails to create this event and we thank everyone that contributed. Below are a list of the main organisers.


Adur District Council

Adur District Council is delighted to support Shoreham Traders Association in their exciting plans for a Shoreham Summer Festival through the “Welcome Back” funding. The Welcome Back fund is for use in increasing the number of new visitors to our town centres across Adur and in providing a safe and attractive reintroduction for our local communities.  

Shoreham Summer Festival, on the 14th August, will run alongside the award winning Shoreham Farmers market and will include live music, performances, local community groups, as well as all your favourite traders. We hope the event will be a huge success and add even more vibrancy to an already thriving town. We look forward to welcoming you. 

Ben Towers – The Pad Clothing

Ben has been a main cog in the machine of organisers for this event. He really has been the main go-between, connecting communities, traders, individuals and organisations. The glue of the project from start to completion.

Ben is an important member of the Shoreham Independent Traders Collective and always at hand for advice or a friendly chat.  He started up The Pad Clothing store in East Street to bring men’s fashion to the streets of Shoreham-by-sea. If you haven’t been in yet – pop in and say hello! Plus there is a £20 voucher in the raffle up for grabs!

Stephanie Young – saydesignUK

Stephanie has lived in Shoreham for 4 years and first joined forces with the Shoreham independent Traders Collect in 2020. Using her professional graphic and digital design skills, #EnjoySHorehamBySea website and facebook page was created to help support traders and be a platform for information to the public.

saydesignUK has been at the core of this event from the start with organisers meetings, creating the festival brand, print and digital artwork including banners, posters, web pages, facebook event and social media posts. We have also organised the prize raffle and liaised with individual businesses and participants to collect information and offer support. She will even be on the stalls selling raffle tickets on the day! Plus there is a £100 voucher in the raffle for a professional or private project.

Over the Moon

Another great organiser of the festival is @weareoverthemoon. They have turned Coronation Green into a fun and creative arena from 10am – 3pm. Inviting their friends Transition Town Shoreham and Adur Repair Cafe to join them. Emily has been an important part of the development of our festival, taking part in group meetings and also giving their legal support. They are a great community based project.
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Adur Markets

A big thank you to Nigel Dewey, Markets Officer at Adur & Worthing Councils for supporting this event by supplying markets stalls and power for our music stages and also the Creative Crafts on Coronation Green. The Farmers market will run alongside the Shoreham Summer Festival.

@AdurMarkets are markets are held currently in Shoreham and Lancing. You’ll find high quality food, drink, plants, flowers as well as arts and crafts. Everything is locally produced or grown with care and dedication.

See their facebook page here…


Ropetackle Arts Center

Entertainment is top of the list when it comes to the Ropetackle. A highly respected venue in Shoreham they undertook the task of organizing our bands and buskers. Working in partnership with the Shoreham Allstar they have created a great variety of local talent to showcase at the festival. Read all about the bands and buskers here… Plus there is a £30 voucher in the raffle fup for grabs!

Find out more about the Ropetackle:

The Shoreham Allstars

the festival is about celebration all ages and talents of our beautiful town, so the Shoreham Allstars join the team to represent the talented youth of Shoreham-by-Sea.  A unique collection of musicians aged 7-18 will be showcasing six acts from 12 noon – 3pm.  Read all about the bands and buskers here…

Find out more about the the Shoreham Allstars:

Shoreham Independent Traders Collective

#SITCuk was set up to improver and celebrate Shoreham-by-Sea. Bringing different groups together for the greater good. Their first event was the Festive Treasure Hunt in December 2020. SITC have been fundamental to creating the Shoreham Summer Festival. Working closely with the council  and Adur Markets. Members meet once a month and also have a private facebook page. What to know more – read on…


ESBS was setup to support and promote all of the great things Shoreham-by-Sea has to offer. Working with the SITC to promote this great festival with online blogs, digital raffle tickets, information on bands and participants with photo and videos. Creating a facebook event and sharing blogs via a social media campaign.  All design and marketing undertaken by saydesignUK.

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