Libraries are still here for you
The current national lockdown guidance says that libraries can offer customers the chance to pick up items they have already reserved, from the doors of the library. Staff can only hand out pre-ordered items. If you are out for your daily exercise, or essential shopping, you can drop off items or collect anything which is already waiting for you. Books can be ordered individually online or you can use our Staff Select service.
You can contact your local library by phone if you prefer or if you have a specific title to collect. Please do let friends and neighbours know, especially if they are not online and might really benefit from having something to read or listen to. If you feel safer staying at home or are unable to get to the library, we can offer an Essential Delivery Service and may be able to deliver items to you. Please indicate on the form, or during the phone call to the library, that you would like to arrange a delivery.
Change to opening hours at Lancing and Shoreham libraries
We have amended the Saturday hours of both Lancing and Shoreham Library slightly to reflect current daily use. These are the hours that you may collect any items that you have reserved or else return them.
Monday: 10.30am – 4.30pm
Tuesday: 10.30am – 4.30pm
Wednesday: 10.30am – 4.30pm
Thursday: 10.30am – 4.30pm
Friday: 10.30am – 4.30pm
Saturday: 10.00am – 1.00pm
Are you a local to Shoreham-By-Sea and have a story to tell about our wonderful town? Then get your story online! #EnjoyShorehamBySea are looking for contributors to celebrate all the wonderful things to do, find and discover of our past, present and future. So if you wanna get published online please contact us today.