
11:00 am / 4:00 pm


Buckingham Park

A great family day out with donkey rides, fun fair, tea and cakes, beer tent, owls, reptiles – the list is endless. And don’t forget – every penny donated or made in profit will go out to charitable causes on service activities.

The weather forecast is good so all we need is YOU! You’ll already know about the donkeys, classic cars, beer tent, tea, cakes, birds of prey etc etc but did you know there will be plenty of stalls including community ones: Friends of Buckingham Park, Shoreham Society, Transition Town Shoreham, Over The Moon, TreeAction UK, Adur Woodcraft Folk, Shoreham & Adur Community Foodbank, Shoreham-by-Cycle, International Neighbours. Looking forward to seeing you!

Read our Insider Story blog: https://www.enjoyshorehambysea.co.uk/insider-stories/donkey-derby-classic-vehicle-rally