Stitch Up Covid

By Judith Cousin
StitchUPCovid Facebook Public
StitchUPCovid Facebook Private

Our first event is 1April to 30 April where bunting made will be hung around Coronation Green, throughout Sompting and Lancing and in other local communities. If there is more interest we will make more to display across communities when lockdown ends.
Stitch Up Covid is a community project which aims to create a community of bunting makers which remembers, thanks and celebrates experiences of Covid during 2020-2021. To remember those who have died or still suffering the effects of Covid 19. Thank friends, family or neighbours for their support and helping us to get through. Thank individuals and organisations, frontline workers, carers, shops etc that have enabled us to get through this last year.

We want to support any one of any age to make bunting. Many pieces will be embellished with pictures, fabric paint, appliqué. We also want to encourage reuse and recycling existing fabrics. We have members across the local area and would love more to join. We welcome groups, schools, individuals, to join and be part of this movement.

If you are new to sewing see our videos to help you get sewing and making: StichUpCovid Tutorial Videos

Thank you so much Judith Cousin for making this bunting flag in honour of my Dad who sadly died of Covid 3 weeks ago. It has inspired me to have a go at making a 2 metre length of bunting in his memory. You have shown me that I can use some of his old shirts and pyjamas – I have quite a few photos of him at different stages in his life and I could make a time line of his life using the nine bunting flags that would fit the 2 metres. I also am thinking that if I can I might make twice the length and try doing some appliqué to show his favourite activities e.g. crosswords; sudokus; mountains; singing; wearing his hat; numbers and keeping his accounts; classical music (not sure how to show that one yet); going to church. I am going to have to get busy but I’m looking forward to doing it. Thanks for this really great idea.

Sue Crane, Feb 2021

Are you a local to Shoreham-By-Sea and have a story to tell about our wonderful town? Then get your story online! #EnjoyShorehamBySea are looking for contributors to celebrate all the wonderful things to do, find and discover of our past, present and future. So if you wanna get published online please contact us today.



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